Title: Seance
Disclaimer: Not mine. Are they yours? Hmmmm.....
Rating: Harmless
Classification: Fluffy vingette souffle, that's all.
Spoilers: Pretend that Pendrell is dead...no other spoilers.
Archive: Sure, but let me know first!
Feedback: I have baked goods. ;) spiderangel@my-deja.com
Summary: Moose and Squirrel try to summon a ghost to find an answer....
"Candles...check...incantations...check...runes...check...other stuff...yeah, got that too."
"'Other stuff' hardly sounds..."
"Proper? Professional? Correct?"
"Sure, fine whatever...and stop giving me that look!"
"What look?"
"You *know* what I mean. That 'whipped puppy' look."
"Remind me again what we are doing here. It's almost midnight. I'd rather be asleep, and we -excuse me- I have to write a report for Skinner in the morning."
"Come on Scully...you agreed to help me with this."
"All right. But you're sure you know what you're doing?"
"Of course, no problem. I downloaded all of the instructions from the net a few days ago. I've had time to look 'em over, and I'm sure I know what I'm doing."
[sigh] "The internet?"
"Scully, I'm sure you want to find out as much as I do.... Don't you?"
"Yes, but why do we have to learn it this way?"
"Here, help me set this up, it's almost time!"
"By your watch, and God knows it's been through as much as you have... I doubt it's ever told the correct time."
"Hurry up! What does this say? 'Light candles and place in a large circle. Turn off the lights, sit in the circle, facing inwards, clasp hands with other members of the group.' I hope that doesn't mean The Group...why are you laughing?"
"Oh, I was just trying to see that walking lung cancer doing this...."
"I didn't think you were a giggler, Scully!"
[mutter, mumble] "We're in the circle holding hands, now what?"
"We have to close our eyes and concentrate on the subject's name. And then he'll appear. That is, his ghost will."
"Sure, fi[yawn]ne."
"Ready, sleepyhead?"
[concentrates harder]
"Nothing's happening."
"Concentrate harder. Skeptic."
[says nothing, concentrates harder]
"Oh, I fell asleep?"
"Yes. Thanks for ditching me."
"I don't ditch you, you always ditch *me*!"
"Stoppit. [yawn] Did you get the answer you wanted at midnight?"
"No. Half of the members of the par-tay fell asleep. For this to work everyone needs to be alert."
"Well I...I'm...I'm sorry, Mulder, that I ruined your plans...I couldn't h[yawn]elp it."
"Aw, it's okay."
"I'll go through the old personnel files for you tomorrow Maybe what we want to find is in there."
"Yeah, yeah, I guess so.... [sigh]"
"Don't worry Mulder, we'll learn Agent Pendrell's first name somehow...."
Notes: I thought of this semi-plot whilst having lunch at Arby's. I am aware that Pendrell's first name is Sean. They just never told us that in the show...
It's my first posted fic. Hope you liked it.
Let Spider Angel know what you think!
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